The New Reality in Our Retirement

The New Reality in Our Retirement

The number one concern of Baby Boomers in retirement is “we don't want to run out of money.” The New Reality in Our Retirement is an adult education class that covers potential financial threats, now and in the future, and provides students the knowledge they need to build a successful retirement.

Course Outline

A. Conventional Financial Wisdom

Much of what we have heard and thus have (collectively) taken as true is simply not so. If investment choices and retirement decisions are made based on this so-called wisdom, many retirement plans could be subject to failure.

B. The Fiscal Health of the United States

Much of what we have heard and thus have (collectively) taken as true is simply not so. If investment choices and retirement decisions are made based on this so-called wisdom, many retirement plans could be subject to failure.

C. Failure To Maximize Retirement Income

Much of what we have heard and thus have (collectively) taken as true is simply not so. If investment choices and retirement decisions are made based on this so-called wisdom, many retirement plans could be subject to failure.

D. Unplanned Healthcare Expenses

Adverse health events can occur at any time. The financial cost of long-term health care can be devastating. There are cost-effective options available that allow us to get the care we need while preserving our lifestyle.

E. Improper Estate Transfer Design

Many of us are ill-prepared for the protection and transfer of our estate and assets at incapacity or death. Knowledgeable planning can preserve estate values for one's spouse and/or heirs.

F. Losing Money in Large Market Declines

We've suffered two large systemic market declines in the last 18 years. The reduction in national investment account values was staggering in both instances. For Baby Boomers, retirement may be decimated when the next major systemic decline occurs.

G. Failure To Have A Well-Designed Retirement Plan

Many of us are ill-prepared for the protection and transfer of our estate and assets at incapacity or death. Knowledgeable planning can preserve estate values for one's spouse and/or heirs.

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